Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Revolutionary Road (2008)

Revolutionary Road, 4 out of 4 stars

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in "Revolutionary Road". Which road will you choose? A road to where you live with a normal life and you have a job to support your family or a life that your wife will support you and the family so that you can discover what you truly want?

Academy Award nominations: Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Supporting Actor

"Titanic" is the story about two person with different social classes who fall in love with each others. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet previously work together in "Titanic" now act as husband and wife in "Revolutionary Road". This film is directed by Kate Winslet's real life husband, Sam Mendes who brought you a psychology war film "Jarhead" in 2005. The film begins with a party, Frank Wheeler (Leonardo DiCaprio) meets April (Kate Winslet). Both of them talking with each others about their future undertaking. After that, the film skip to the scene where Frank attend to a show. I'm not gonna to tell you what happens next. The film shows that both of them are husband and wife and they have a childrens. The films also shows that Frank have a job. He work as a salesman in "Knoxx". His life seems very miserable because he is not interested in this work, but he's good at it. So, one day during Frank's birthday, April tells Frank that they'll move to Paris to start a new life where April work as a secretary and she will support Frank. Of course there is a reason in her decision. Their friends heard about it and think that their decision are immature and totally unrealistic. Why April make this decision? And how Frank react by this decision? This film will explain it all. I will not tell you the whole story because I think it is very interesting and I won't spoil it. First of all, the story is simple and easy to understand, it is about life. What kind of decision we make now will affects our future undertaking. Besides that, I really like this movie is because it gives us a lot of freedom to get inside the character mindset, and it gives us a lot of time to think what they think. Honestly it's hard for me to think about April's mindset and I think April's decision is immature. Besides a great story, the director done a great job in plot progression and the character development is great throughout the whole film. The acting is very top notch especially Leonardo DiCarpio. His acting is great and I really dissapointing he didn't nominate for best actor in Academy Awards. This is a drama genre film, and I really enjoy watching it. "This movie is simply one of the year's best film."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bolt (2008)

Bolt, 3.5 out of 4 stars

Bolt (John Travolta) and Penny (Miley Cyrus) in "Bolt".

Academy Award nominations: Best Animated Feature

Three weeks just passed. I spent my three weeks celebrating Chinese New Years with my friends and family. Now, I had to get back here and write some reviews for the Academy Awards nominated film in this few days. First, I would like to review "Bolt". Why? Because this movie is cute. "Bolt" is directed by Chris Williams and Byron Howard. The story is about a dog named Bolt (John Travolta). It has been modified by Penny's father and it has super powers. One day, Penny's father has been kidnapped by Doctor Calico (Malcolm McDowell). So, Penny (Miley Cyrus) and Bolt have to establish a plan to save her father. Before I continue writing the plot, I had to write Spoiler warning right? But I'm not doing it because I'm not going to tell you the plot anyway. So, it will be a short review. First of all, what I need to say is "Why so serious?". This film is for kids and family. The beginning of the film is just look very serious. For us, it is a joke but for kids it just not funny. It feels like you're watching a spy thriller animation. It's just not a big deal anyway. After few minutes running times, the film totally change from action packed to comedy. It happens too fast. Besides that, the story is quite nice actually. The story really have some great value which is we must face the truth instead of escaping it. Other than that, friendship is very important in our life and we must appreciate it. Besides that, I have a friend who told me this film is just "Okay" because she think that the Rhino (Mark Walton) ain't cute because of the voices are too rough. For me the voice is perfect, it really fits for that character, because the voices define the characteristic of each character inside the film. The plot progression for this film is very smooth, and the character development is very good. The audiences sure will enjoy watching it. Overall,"This is a movie which suitable for all ages and contain lot's of fun!"