Monday, February 4, 2008

Rambo (2008)

Rambo, 2.5 out of 4 stars

Sylvester Stallone stars in this bloody and gory sequel, "Rambo".

Rambo, written and directed by Sylvester Stallone and it is a sequel of "Rambo III"(1988). This movie is following the events of Rambo III, Slyvester Stallone return to Thailand then resides to Burma. Then there are a group of missionary approached him and ask him to take them to a village for a mission. At the village, everythings going well but suddenly the Burma army came and kill everyone except the missionary. Then their pastor comes to Rambo and want him to guide the hired mecenaries to rescue the team. In this movie the story is very simple, so I think Slyvester Stallone can be very smart (Rocky) and sometimes can be very dumb (Rambo). The acting also not really good but atleast greater than acting in "Rambo: First Blood Part II" (I think he must prepare for getting another Golden Raspberry Awards). In this movie the only thing that I envy the most is the action sequences. By using the aid of visual effects, the action sequences are very eye candy and it looks very real especially the blood and gore parts. This movie probably has enough good action, blood and gore. When you watching the last fighting between the mecenaries, Karen Rebels and Burmese Army, you will cheer up untill the end of fight. Besides that, 61 years old Sly still very active and as tough as before. So this movie isn't very good but it's still worth to go cinema to see the action.

Trivia: This movie holds the record with the most kills out of the entire Rambo series, with 236 kills. That's mean it is an average of 2.59 kills per minute.

Overall: "A great sequel in Rambo series!", "Rambo is a very intense, blood and gore action movie! I like it!"

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