Sunday, December 30, 2007

I Am Legend

I Am Legend, 3 out of 4 stars.

Will Smith stars in this mind blowing thriller in "I Am Legend".

I Am Legend, adaptation of Richard Matheson's 1954 novel "I Am Legend" and remake of "The Last Man On Earth" in 1964 and "The Omega Man" in 1971. This movie is directed by Francis Lawrence who brought you "Constantine" in 2005 which contain alot of CGI effects. In this movie, it also contain alot of visual effects which is very eye candy, even the chasing animal scene also have to use visual effects. Because contain alot of visual effect, so this movie budget is about 150million dollars. From the beginning of the movie, the story going very well, fascinating and fun to watch but the ending is the problem, "Abit short" actually. The acting, is nice especially Will Smith (of course) and the dog act very well too (the dog is well trained by the trainer, and didn't contain CGI which is very good). Besides that, this movie contain top-notch action sequences that is memorable.

This movie is too CGI dependent, and after watching it some question will raises from our mind.

Overall: "A great movie which is very touching, scary, funny, and thrilling."

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